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Available Materials

10-Part Study (DVD)

The Exodus can be viewed as the defining moment in Israel’s history, for it was then that God called Israel out of slavery in Egypt and to a life of freedom as His people. Adventures in Exodus: Called to Freedom looks through the lens of Christ and the Church to show that more than just seeking to free His people physically from the domination of Pharaoh, God desired to free His people from the far more sinister tyranny of sin so they could live the authentic freedom that belongs to children of God.

In this intriguing look at one of the most talked-about books in Scripture, Jeff Cavins explores Revelation to demonstrate how the Kingdom established by Christ in His Church is intimately connected with the Kingdom of Heaven, especially through the celebration of the Mass. You will also learn what all the mysterious figures and images of Revelation represent, as well as what will happen during the Second Coming of Christ, what has already happened, and what is happening now in salvation history.

by Paula D’Arcy

When Paula D’Arcy lost her husband and baby in a car crash, she began an inner search for a faith that was stronger than fear. In Gift of the Red Bird she shares her remarkable spiritual adventure.

This epic film follows Karol Wojtyla’s journey from his youth in Poland through his late days on the Chair of St. Peter. It explores his life behind the scenes: how he touched millions of people and changed the face of the Church and the world; how he defended the dignity of mankind. Jon Voight’s powerful, Emmy-nominated performance as John Paul II has been widely praised, as has Cary Elwes’ as the young Karol. Shot on location in Rome and Poland in close connection with the Vatican, this is the definitive film biography of Pope John Paul II.

This movie stars award-winning actress Olivia Hussey (Jesus of Nazareth, The Jeweller’s Shop). Hussey gives an illuminating performance as the saintly missionary nun who brought hope, love and relief to the poorest of the poor everywhere. The film movingly portrays the muti-faceted character of Mother Teresa, including the shrewd diplomat, the determined missionary, and the fearless superior, the deeply compassionate servant of the poor and the holy bride of Christ.

This movie captures the Capuchin friar’s intense faith and devotion, and deep spiritual concern for others, as well as his great compassion for the sick and suffering. It reveals the amazing details and events in Padre Pio’s life as a boy and throughout his 50 years as a friar, dramatizing the frequent attacks of the Devil on him, as well as the persecution he suffered at the hands of people, including those in the church.

It’s an idea inspired by Pope John Paul II. Be the saints of the new millennium, he told us. But before we can be saints, we need to know the saints. And so, it began: a pilgrimage through Germany and Italy with almost 100 Canadian university students, with visits in the towns, homes, and places of prayer of some of the saints of the Catholic Church. And the more we traveled, the more clear the picture became – there is a resemblance between holy lives lived and lives living for the holy. Join Salt + Light on an unforgettable pilgrimage and meet St. Peter, St. Gianna Beretta Molla, Blessed Rupert Mayer, St. Edith Stein, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Clare of Assisi, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, and Blessed John XXIII. Share in the lives of the young people who meet these Saints and Blesseds in a new and very personal way, and open your own heart to the possibility of becoming a saint of the new millennium. “It is the great multitude of the saints – both known and unknown – in whose lives the Lord has opened up the Gospel before us and turned over the pages; He has done this throughout history and He still does so today. In their lives, as if in a great picture book, the riches of the Gospel are revealed. They are the shining path which God Himself has traced throughout history and is still tracing today.” – Pope Benedict XVI on the occasion of World Youth Day, 2005

by Elizabeth McNamer, Ph.D., and Virginia Smith

Scripture From Scratch II: The World of the Bible presents contemporary Catholic biblical scholarship in a clear, easy-to-follow manner. The eight programs cover the world of the Bible—its geography, history and archaeology; the religious concepts of the Hebrew people; the religious life and political climate of Jesus’ day; the human identity of Jesus. The program contains almost seven hours of videotaped talks by Elizabeth McNamer and Virginia Smith recorded before a live audience. Each of these tapes is filled with maps, charts, graphical text and footage from the Holy Land. Each tape contains two 25-minute talks.

by Elizabeth McNamer, Ph.D., and Virginia Smith

If you’ve always wanted to learn about the Bible from square one, here is square one! Scripture From Scratch® is an experience of God’s word for all Catholic adults who want to know more about the Bible but don’t know where to begin. No previous Bible study is required or expected, though Scripture From Scratch® will benefit those who have already had some experience with the Bible. The heart of the Scripture From Scratch® program is 16 hours of videotaped talks by Elizabeth McNamer and Virginia Smith. In addition to the videocassettes, a facilitator’s manual and a participant’s manual expand on the material presented.

The program contains eight two-hour videocassettes for a total of 16 hours of basic Bible study. Each videocassette contains two one-hour sessions. Each session lasts about 60 minutes and includes a 15-minute period of questions and answers.

Unit 1: An Overview of the Bible

  • Session 1: “The Bible: Where Did We Get It and How Do We Use It?”
  • Session 2: “The Old Testament: What Is It and Who Needs It?”
  • Session 3: “The New Testament: When Was It Written and Why?”
  • Session 4: “Studying Scripture: What’s the Catholic Approach?”

Unit 2: An Overview of the Old Testament

  • Session 1: “Will the Real Adam and Eve Please Stand Up?”
  • Session 2: “Tribes and Territories/Kings and Conquests”
  • Session 3: “A Profitable Look at the Prophets”
  • Session 4: “’Psalm’ of the Writings”

Unit 3: An Overview of the New Testament

  • Session 1: “The Appeal of Paul”
  • Session 2: “’Take a Letter’”
  • Session 3: “Luke Gets in the Act”
  • Session 4: “’A Real Revelation’”

Unit 4: An Overview of the Gospels

  • Session 1: “Mark: the Remarkable Disciple”
  • Session 2: “Matthew: the Mature Jew”
  • Session 3: “Luke: the Gentle Gentile”
  • Session 4: “Dear John”

Flavio Insinna gives a winning performance as John (Don) Bosco, the great priest and educator of youth from the tough streets of Turin, Italy. Beautifully filmed in Italy, this epic movie dramatizes the many challenges that Don Bosco had to overcome from this childhood through founding his religious order, the Salesians, for helping educate boys. Growing up without a father gave him compassion for the many orphans that he cared for, while he faced persecution from both secular society and the Church as he fought to build a place to house and educate the homeless, outcast youth of Turin. His deep faith, creative imagination and profound charity shine through in this wonderful film.

24-Part Course (12 DVDs) by Jeff Cavins

Step Two in The Great Adventure Bible Study Program, Adventures in Matthew: The King and His Kingdom, shows how Jesus builds on the foundation laid in the Old Testament to inaugurate the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. in this 24-part DVD series see how Jesus relived the life and struggles of Israel to become the faithful and victorious King. Learn how the promises of the Old Testament are fulfilled in Christ and his Apostles. This series is an ideal follow-up study to the basic narrative of Scripture taught in The Bible Timeline course.

20-Part Course (10 DVDs) by Jeff Cavins

Step Three in The Great Adventure Bible Study Program, Adventures in Acts: the Spread of the Kingdom, builds on The Bible Timeline and Adventures in Matthew by showing how Christ’s Kingdom on earth is empowered to carry out his work in the world. The book of Acts shows the Church, enlivened by the Holy Spirit, teaching, preaching, healing, and restoring outcasts in the same way that Jesus did on earth. This provides an historic framework for understanding the rest of the New Testament. Paul’s letters in particular come alive in a new way when they are read within the context of the Acts narrative.

The Great Adventure is a Catholic Bible learning system that makes the complex simple by teaching the story (the narrative) of the Bible.  Every day, more and more people are encountering God’s Word through the methods taught in these studies. The Great Adventure has grown into a remarkable system designed to give the average Catholic a solid foundation for a lifetime of Bible reading.  Parishes around the world are finding renewed faith and increased involvement among parishioners whose lives have been changed by this exciting study series.

Step 1: The Bible Timeline provides a clear understanding of the underlying Scriptural narrative, which is essential to all Bible reading and study. The 24-part Bible Timeline Bible Study dives deep into the Biblical story. This Bible Timeline study is basic enough to suit those who haven’t studied the Bible before while at the same time offering ways to go deeper that will challenge the Bible study veteran. Salvation history is covered from its beginning in Genesis through the coming of Christ and the establishment of the Catholic Church.

Throughout the 24-part Bible Timeline, you will:

  • Read for yourself the 14 narrative books of the Bible—the ones that tell the story—in chronological order.
  • Learn God’s marvelous plan of salvation history and see how your faith story fits into “His-story.” |
  • Study key Old Testament passages in light of their fulfillment in Christ.
  • Learn how Catholic Tradition views the biblical narrative and how to use the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a study reference.
  • Gain a greater appreciation for the Scripture readings you hear in Mass.
  • Encourage fellow Catholics as you learn how God’s Word applies to your lives.
  • Lay a strong foundation for further Bible reading and study.

This is a 24-part video series (twenty-four, 50 minute lessons) on 12 DVDs.