Small Faith-Sharing Groups

Small faith-sharing groups are a way to foster community and fellowship in our parish. Participating in small groups will teach you more about your faith, share it more easily, and see the connection between faith and everyday life. For six…read more

Church Volunteer Opportunities

We would love to have you actively involved at St. Pius X church volunteer opportunities – whether it’s for one-hour gathering or a parish commission. We hope the information found on the various pages of our parish website offers you ways…read more

Christian Service Commission

The Christian Service Commission is open to any parishioner and meets the first Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. in the Parish Center. Current members of the parish assisting include Christy Rider (Chair), Steve Lattimer, Nancy Rigg, Gail Kleman,…read more

Family Promise

St. Pius X is one of the Billings religious congregations, and over 1,400 volunteers in the Billings community provide hospitality through Family Promise for families with children who are experiencing the distress of homelessness at this point in their lives….read more

Outreach Ministries

Outreach ministries available: Funeral follow-up families following the death of a loved one. Prayer Shawl Ministry Prayer and consultation on medical needs through the parish nurses. Home visits with Eucharist to the sick and shut-in parishioners. Visits to nursing homes…read more

Parish Life Activities

Parish Life Commission Learn more about parish life activities. The Parish Life Commission consists of Jeanne Moller (Chair), Nicole Geiger, Ron Yates, Tyler Blood, Carolyn Gransberg, and Renee O’Dea. Jessie Rohrer is the staff liaison. The commission meets on the…read more

Prayer Life

Centering Prayer Centering Prayer is a silent prayer, a form of contemplative prayer. Centering Prayer is the letting go of words, images, and concepts of God to create a space where God can speak to the depths of ones heart….read more

Lent 2025

To help you continue growing as a dynamic disciple, check out these resources: Creighton University Online Ministries: reflections, retreats, and daily prayer from a Jesuit university. FORMED: an online platform that provides Catholic content, including movies, audio talks, eBooks, video-based study…read more

Citywide Catholic Ministries

AIDSpirit AIDSpirit is a group whose purpose is to initiate and support ministry activities within the Catholic Church as well as a non-denominational faith based movement guided by the Spirit, ministers to individuals infected with or affected by HIV/AIDS.  They…read more