To help you continue growing as a dynamic disciple, check out these resources:

Creighton University Online Ministries: reflections, retreats, and daily prayer from a Jesuit university.

FORMED: an online platform that provides Catholic content, including movies, audio talks, eBooks, video-based study programs, and podcasts. The diocese has purchased a subscription for the parishes with funds from the Annual Catholic Appeal. Check out this link for Lenten resources.

Hallow: a Catholic app that provides audio-guided prayers, meditations, Bible stories, Christian music, and other features.

Lenten Retreat: We are excited to offer a Lenten retreat, which is focused on Catholic Social Teaching led by fellow parishioner Dr. Judiann McNulty, on Thursdays starting at 6:45 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The dates of the retreat are March 6, 13, 20, 27, and April 10 (No session April 3). This is a great opportunity to join fellow parishioners for prayer, learning, and fellowship!

Loyola Press: Weekly reflections to help you connect the Gospel message to real life. Families with kids will love connecting kids to scripture with different age-appropriate activities and discussion questions.

St. Pius X Lent: God desires to make us like himself by infusing us with Faith, Hope, and Love – and only asks if we will give him the permission and room to do it. Journey through the theological virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love in this 7-part series designed to invite (and challenge) us all to grow in virtue this Lent. Text SPXLENT to 84576 or click on this link to register.

Word on Fire: a Catholic media organization founded by Bishop Robert Barron that uses traditional and digital media to introduce people to Catholicism.

Join us for Holy Week & the Sacred Pascal Triduum!