– Dogmatic Constitution on the Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, No. 10
“The liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the church is directed; it is also the source from which all its power flows. For the goal of the apostolic endeavor is that all who are made children of God by faith and Baptism should come together to praise God in the midst of his church, to take part in the sacrifice and to eat the Lord’s Supper.”
As a liturgical minister, you are a disciple of Jesus who wants to grow deeper in a relationship with Christ. You are above all an:
1. Ambassador for Jesus.
2. Ambassador for St. Pius X Catholic Parish.
Liturgical ministry is a calling from God for you, specifically with your gifts and talents to build up the Body of Christ. Serving Jesus in this way is a truly extraordinary experience, and we are here to support, lift up, and guide you. Consider where God is calling you to serve in some areas below and explore a new ministry. If you are already serving, log in to your current ministry and be a good steward by reviewing the guidelines of your ministry.
Altar Server: Draw close to Jesus through service
Usher: Serve by creating a welcoming atmosphere and attend to parishioner’s needs
Greeter: Embody the hospitality of Jesus Christ
Lector: Proclaim the life-changing Word of God
Sacristan: Prepare and care for our worship with the Holy Spirit
Eucharistic Minister/Eucharistic Altar Minister: Serve Jesus’ Body & Blood
Homebound Ministry: Contact Janice Krueger at the Parish Office.
We need your help with all liturgical ministry positions! If you are interested in a ministry and have not served with us at St. Pius X. Please contact Janice Krueger, Liturgy Coordinator, at 406-281-8507.
If you are a current Liturgical Minister, click the link here to access your Ministry Scheduler Pro web terminal.
Click the link for the most current schedules for all Liturgical Ministers: