The Seven Sacraments are Baptism, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick.


Infant Baptism

Contact should be made at any time during pregnancy or following the birth of your child. The sacrament is normally celebrated at one of the Sunday liturgies. These are scheduled at different times throughout the year. Parent preparation classes are required.

ContactMatt Low 406-281-8506

Child Baptism

Contact should be made as soon as baptism is desired. The process of preparation is dependent on the age and background of your child. Normally if your child is younger than age six then preparation is similar to that of infant baptism and the sacrament is celebrated at one of the scheduled Sunday Baptismal liturgies. For those children who are older the process follows the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults – adapted for Children. The preparation takes 1-2 years and the sacraments (which would then include Confirmation and Eucharist) are normally celebrated at the Easter Vigil.

Contact: Matt Low 406-281-8506

Adult Baptism – Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) (Formerly Rite of Christian of Adults RCIA)

Contact should be made whenever one is led by the Spirit to become a member of the Catholic community. Preparation usually takes 1-2 years but varies depending on each individual’s experience. The sacraments are celebrated at the Easter Vigil.

Contact: Matt Low 406-281-8506


Confirmation and First Eucharist – (Click here for more information)

Contact: Andrea Vacek at 406-281-8502


  • Reconciliation: The sacrament may be celebrated Saturday afternoons from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
  • First Reconciliation: Traditionally First Reconciliation is celebrated in a communal setting.

Contact: Andrea Vacek at 406-281-8502


Contact: Matt Low 406-281-8506


Vocation to Priesthood & Religious Life

If anyone is interested in discussing priesthood or religious life you can visit with Father Martin, 656-2522.

The Diocesan Vocation Director: Monsignor Daniel Walthen, 406-265-4261 (Office) 406-697-7039 (cell)


Contact: Fr. Martin Ezeihuaku, MSP, pastor 406-656-2522

When should arrangements for this sacrament be made?

As soon as an illness becomes serious or whenever a surgery is planned. The Sacrament can be repeated if a crisis arises or if the person’s condition worsens.

Where should the sacrament take place?

It is desirable to celebrate anointing in a parish liturgical gathering, for example at the 8:30 a.m. daily Mass, or at one of our week-end “Anointing of the Sick” liturgies (held approximately 3 times yearly at the late mass on Sunday morning). This setting is ideal because a large part of the worshiping community is gathered, the readings have been especially selected and the homily reflects the Sacrament.

A home setting is also appropriate, especially when friends and family are able to gather.

Anointings can also be done in the hospital but the patient is usually more anxious in this setting and hospital procedures tend to interrupt the prayer.


Lay ministers are available to visit and bring communion to those who are unable to attend church due to illness or age.

Contact Jessie Rohrer at the parish office at 406-656-2522 if you need assistance or know of someone who does.

Read more: Sacraments